Presentation for recipe: Tropical Hot Appetizer Platter
Presentation for recipe: Tropical Hot Appetizer Platter

Tropical Hot Appetizer Platter



  1. Yucca: Peel and cut into serving portions (as you would cut a potato). Bring water to boil in a pot and place the yucca inside the boiling water. Let boil for about 20 minutes and test it for softness. If it is sufficiently soft, it is ready to eat. Remove from the water and serve with a mixture of olive oil and crushed garlic.
  2. Plantain: Peel the plantain and slice it into thick round circles. Fry the plantain. Once it starts to turn golden brown, remove them, flatten them (using whatever you have that is convenient- two plates will work), and place them back into the hot oil until they begin to appear crispy.
  3. Salami: Cut the salami into slices and fry both sides.
  4. Queso de Freír: Cut the cheese in a rectangular shape and fry both sides until golden brown.
  5. Organize all of your appetizers on a dish and serve!

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