Salvadoran enchiladas are a very typical dish of El Salvador cuisine.
Some will think of Mexican enchiladas, which are stuffed tortillas dipped in sauce. But Salvadoran enchiladas are more like tostadas. Traditionally, the tortillas are made of maize dough (masa) mixed with annatto (achiote), which gives them the characteristic orange color, but it is not spicy nor are chiles used in the preparation. In this recipe, we use regular corn tortillas.
You can enjoy the flavor of these delicious Salvadoran enchiladas because they are very easy to prepare at home. In addition, you can customize them with the ingredients that you like over the fried tortilla or tostada. To begin with, there’s first a bed of beans on the crispy tostada, then you add the ingredients included in this recipe such as tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, avocado and Tropical Queso Fresco Centroamericano. You can also add minced pork or chicken cooked with tomato, onion, garlic and herbs, chopped cabbage or prepare the traditional curtido (a coleslaw made of cabbage, carrot, onion and oregano fermented in vinegar).
To top the tostada, you cannot miss the delicious Tropical Crema Centroamericana and a rich homemade tomato sauce or if you prefer them spicy, use the sauce that you like the most.
Enjoy them for dinner or lunch with the family. Let’s make some enchiladas!
Spicy Crema: